August 28, 2024

The J.W.M.F. has donated some money to help get things started on a big project at the Pam Dudley Center on North Missouri Street in Potosi. The Center hosts a lot of special people during the week, and the staff and supporters have come up with a project to build a ‘Patio Oasis’ for the clients. The idea is to build a fully handicapped accessible patio with picnic tables, fountain, sensory garden, outdoor box gardens and more. Sponsorships are being sought by the Staff and Administration with the help of a lot of the clients. Dave Degonia dropped off a check to some of the folks at the Pam Dudley Center to help ‘kick-off’ the project. All donations are appreciated and fund raisers are being planned. The Shenanigan Sisters are hosting a paint night with Artwork on Easels at Saucey’s in Old Mines on Thursday, Sept. 5th. See the story in this edition of ‘The I-J’ for more details and to get in on the fun.
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