2023 GRANTS AWARDED TO KINGSTON K-14 School District
Kingston K-14 has worked to secure over $1.4 million in various grants throughout 2023. The year isn't over yet. Below is a summary of the grants received.
School-Based Mental Health Immediate Responsive Service: $29,000 for the partial salary for the additional counselor at the Primary Building.
School Safety Grant: $150,000 to make changes and updates to the campus for security and cameras on the buses.
Improving Ventilation in MO K-12 Schools: Valued at $160,000 ($150,000 for updates and $10,000 stipend) updated fresh air intake to classrooms and provided funding for a stipend for air quality training.
Foundations for School Success Grant: provided $100,000 to utilize for the district daycare. $15,000 for remodeling and $85,000 for supplies, equipment, furniture, and material.
Air Purifiers and Filter Replacements: Valued at approximately $165,000. The district received air purifiers along with future filter replacements for every classroom, office, and large space throughout the district.
Missouri Quality Pre-Kindergarten Grant: Provides $50,000 for furniture, equipment, supplies, and materials for the new classroom. District receives $6,375 SAT (State Adequacy Target) for student attendance that meets state attendance goals. There are 20 slots available for anyone who has turned 4 by July 31, 2023. Students will be able to ride the school bus and will participate in the Community Eligibility Program allowing for free breakfast and lunch. (Calculation: 15 students at $6,375=$95,625 + 50,000= 145,625)
21st CCLC Grant: 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant. This allows the after-school program (Cougar College) to operate through June 30, 2028. The program is now extended to include 9th Graders providing for students in Kindergarten through 9th Grade. Kingston has had an after-school program for over 20 years. The total amount over the 5-year period will be $705,540.
Total grants for 2023 as of September 18th: $1,455,165.
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