MDC Offers Free Virtual Class On Firearm Cleaning & Storage Learn how to properly care for rifles and shotguns

Chillicothe– Firearms used for hunting and target shooting need care and maintenance to work properly year after year. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) will offer a free virtual Firearms Basic Care and Cleaning class from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 8. This class will cover cleaning techniques and safe storage of rifles and shotguns. Handguns will not be covered in the class.
Taking a gun hunting exposes them to dirt, dust, and moisture that can cause harm. Also, improper lubrication of actions can cause mechanisms to cease functioning properly. Adam Brandsgaard, MDC conservation educator, will talk about how to clean rifle and shotgun parts to keep them loading and firing smoothly. Brandsgaard will also discuss storage methods that protect guns from harm and keep them safe.
This virtual firearm cleaning and storage class is open to all ages. Registration is required. To register, visit
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