LA GUILLONNEE KICKED OFF OLD MINES’ 300TH YEAR – The St. Joachim Singers, so dubbed, as they spent the past 7 weeks meeting at The Incarnate Word Center learning the song and tradition of La Guillonnee. The ‘Guillonnee’ is the New Year’s celebration that has been a tradition with the Old Mines French for centuries. Miss Natalie Villmer taught the class and got the group together to prepare for the celebration. If you are wondering what the lyrics are, we have attached the words below:
Bon–souere le maitre et la maitresse
Et tout le monde du logis.
Pour le dernier jour de l'annee,
C'est la Guillonnee vous nous doevez.
Si vous voulez rien nous donner,
On vous demande n'est pas grand chose
Une echineee.
Une echinee n'est pas grand chose
De quatre-vinct-dix pieds de long.
Si vous voulez rien nous donner,
dites nous lee.
On vous demande seulement
La fill ainee.
On li fera faire bonne chaire,
On li fera chauffer les pieds.
Quand on fut au milieu du bois,
Nous fume a l'omb'e.
J'ai entendu le coucou chanter
Et la colombe.
Rosignolet du vert bocage,
Ambasadeur des amoureux.
Va-t-en dire a ta maitresse,
Qu'alle ait toujours le coeur joyeux. (twice)
Point de tristesse.
Toutes ces filles qui ont point d'amants,
Comment vivent-elles?
Qui ne dort ni jour ni nuit,
Li toujours veille.
C'est ses amours qui la reveillent
Qui les empechent de dormir.
En s'en priant ben la compagnie
C'etait pour nous excuser.
Si on ait fait quelques folies,
C'etait pour nous desennuyer.
Une autre fois nous prendrons garde
Si on a le bonheur de revenir.
Bon souere le maitre et la maitresse,
Et tout le monde du loqis.
Good evening Master and Mistress and
All members of this household.
For the last day of the year, you owe
Us La Guillonnee.
If you don't want to give us anything
Tell us right now.
All we're asking for is a pork spine,
With some meat on it.
A pork spine isn't much of anything--
It's only 90 feet long!
If you don't want to give us anything,
Tell us right now.
All we're asking for is your oldest
We'll give her a good time, and warm her
feet for her.
When we were in the woods, we were in
The shade.
I heard the cookoo and the
Dove singing.
Nightingale of the green groves,
Ambassador of lovers,
We ask of everyone here to excuse us.
Go tell your mistress to always have
A happy heart.
If we have offended or been to weird,
It was only to have a good time.
She should always have a happy heart with
no sadness.
All those girls with no lovers, how do
they survive?
Sleeps neither day or night is always
It's her loves that keep her awake, and
keep her from sleeping.
We ask of everyone here to excuse us.
If we offended of been too wild,
it was only to have a good time.
Another time we will be more careful,
if we are fortunate enough to come back.
Good evening, master and mistress,
and everyone of this household.
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